Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Medicine Cabinet basket

While having fun looking at all of the wonderful things on Pinterest, I came across THIS fun idea for storing medicine.  You take a basket, paint it white, and then paint a red cross on it.  How cool is that? 

Well, I didn't have nice huge baskets laying around, so I used a smaller one.  I like how it turned out too :)

I started hand painting it, because I didn't think I had any white spray paint.  Luckily I remembered that my husband had some from when he made his Star Wars costume (which I want to put up here, but he's still not fully done!)

The spray paint made it so much easier and faster.  Then I taped off the cross part and hand painted it, which was not as difficult as I imagined it to be.  I'm excited that my medicine area will look a bit more organized now!

Here it is:

Recycled Thrive cans!

I was wondering what I should do with all of my used Thrive cans and I've seen many ideas online.  Currently I don't have a yard, as we are living in an apartment complex.  I really miss my garden and yard from our old house! 

Anyway, I decided that I would use the cans to plant some flowers in and add some beauty to our front area.

I drilled 3 holes in the small pantry cans, and 4 cans in the #10 cans.  Then all I did was fill them with dirt and the flowers and watered them.  

Here is the result:

Also, because my Mom does not yet have a headstone, I decided to make some memorial flower pots for her.  I created the pictures in Word, printed them on card stock, and did a home laminate job.  Here they are:

So those are some fun options to do with those cans laying around!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valetine's Day hearts :)

Today, I really wanted to do a Valentine's craft with the boys!  I honestly forgot about Valentine's Day this weird.  

Anyway, we started out with cutting out felt hearts.  We then used hot glue to attach the puff balls for eyes and pipe cleaners for the mouths.  I will have to take a better picture of them!  

The other project, I did while the boys were napping.  I used cardboard for the hearts and yarn, felt, and a mesh fabric to decorate!

 Here are the boys, modeling our front door!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

5 year Anniversary present

I haven't posted in a while, so I'll begin again with my latest project! 

I could not think of anything to get my hubby, so I went to Pinterest to search for something special that I could give to him.

Here is what I based my present on.  I think I liked how mine turned out, especially since I was running out of time.

Here it is on our table after I surprised Jaren with it.

 And a close up!

I was wanting to do a picture from each year anniversary and one of when each of our kids were newborns.  I ended up doing a few more than that, because it was fun.  I also realized that only one picture was taken on our anniversary, so I made sure to take some of us last Friday; I hope we will make it a tradition!