Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Medicine Cabinet basket

While having fun looking at all of the wonderful things on Pinterest, I came across THIS fun idea for storing medicine.  You take a basket, paint it white, and then paint a red cross on it.  How cool is that? 

Well, I didn't have nice huge baskets laying around, so I used a smaller one.  I like how it turned out too :)

I started hand painting it, because I didn't think I had any white spray paint.  Luckily I remembered that my husband had some from when he made his Star Wars costume (which I want to put up here, but he's still not fully done!)

The spray paint made it so much easier and faster.  Then I taped off the cross part and hand painted it, which was not as difficult as I imagined it to be.  I'm excited that my medicine area will look a bit more organized now!

Here it is:

Recycled Thrive cans!

I was wondering what I should do with all of my used Thrive cans and I've seen many ideas online.  Currently I don't have a yard, as we are living in an apartment complex.  I really miss my garden and yard from our old house! 

Anyway, I decided that I would use the cans to plant some flowers in and add some beauty to our front area.

I drilled 3 holes in the small pantry cans, and 4 cans in the #10 cans.  Then all I did was fill them with dirt and the flowers and watered them.  

Here is the result:

Also, because my Mom does not yet have a headstone, I decided to make some memorial flower pots for her.  I created the pictures in Word, printed them on card stock, and did a home laminate job.  Here they are:

So those are some fun options to do with those cans laying around!