Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What to do on a sick day?

Both of my kids are sick with colds.  Devlin has a bronchial infection as well.  Both kids then started throwing up today.  I was up to my head in puke and frustration!  Anyway, I got Kade to sleep and pulled out the yarn and cardboard for Dev and I.

Here is what we came up with:

I drew out several whimsical-type hearts on cardboard that I had laying around.  I used a box cutter, because that was the easiest.  I at first was going to do 'traditional' style hearts, but I really liked the whimsical ones.

Here is Devlin 'modeling' the heart.  Can you tell that he doesn't feel well?

He was having fun dancing around with them :)

Here is the main heart that I did.  I really liked using the different fun types of yarn that I had to make it even more non-traditional.   I just wrapped yarn around the cardboard and tied it off.  I did have to use tape on the points so that things would stay in place. 

I think this is my favorite heart of all.  The fluffy yarn was so much fun!

I then laid everything out to see how I wanted to put it all together.  And then I started tying it together with red ribbon, you know for Valentine's day.  

Here is the completed project hanging on our front door.  It's fun to come up to the house and be greeted with it!  

Happy (early) Valentine's Day!