Sunday, July 21, 2013

How to wrap a present with pizazz!

This post is going way back to Christmas of 2012.  In my husband's family, we pick names for Christmas and we got my sister-in-law's name!  She loves movies, but I didn't want to just plainly give her movies; so a plan began to brew in my head...

I decided to do a movie package, with candy and popcorn and fun things.  That was good, but I wanted it to be better still; the wrapping had to be exciting!

Here is what I came up with:

Here's the whole thing with a tray.  It looked great!

Here is the "drink" filled with candy, and a candy cane for the straw!

Here are the "film reels" made from an old can, with cardboard, tape, and paper!  We filled them with candy.

Another view.

My wonderful husband created the logo for her present!  It looked so cool!

A side view of the popcorn box.

I printed out pictures of popcorn on yellow paper and then I cut them out and glued them on yellow paper for the "popcorn"!  We wrapped the movies in this paper.  Underneath the popcorn, we put real bags of popcorn!

Here's the top view!  I was really happy with how it turned out :)

My sister-in-law loved it so much and she still has it, which makes me incredibly happy.  I loved being able to put so much love, time, and effort into an awesome present for an awesome sister-in-law!

1 comment:

  1. ok this is one of the coolest things i have ever seen crystal, well done!
